7. VIP Provider tools and forms

Job Demands Analysis

This assessment tool is completed each time a job is being assessed for either Same Employer Fast Track or New Employer Track clients to determine the job suitability. of the job.

Introduction to tool

The City of Toronto Behavioural/Cognitive Job Demands Analysis was developed in 2000 by the City of Toronto (Canada) to provide consistent and reliable information about the demands of the positions within the Toronto municipality.

Using this tool, the client’s cognitive and behavioural abilities can be compared against the demands of their job (either pre-injury or proposed position), to identify areas of mismatch. This will inform the need for job restrictions, supports and strategies. Items identified as mismatches through this process are highlighted in the assessment report and strategies identified to address the mismatch.

Rating scale:

The Toronto Behavioural/Cognitive Job Demands Analysis uses a four-point scale (a rating of 1 indicating a low level of demand and a rating of 4 indicating a high level of demand). The table below illustrates the rating scale, with the job demand on the left and functional ability on the right of the table. In this example, the job demand exceeds the person’s level of ability (for memory).

Job Demands Definition:




Functional Abilities Definition

Little responsibility/ demand




Little ability

Moderate low demand




Moderately low ability

Moderately high demand




Moderately high ability

High demand




High ability


Two forms are available:


1. ‘Employer Rating Form


In the case of Fast Track participants, use this form to obtain the job demand ratings from the client’s employer and/or client themselves during the initial assessment phase of the VIP. This could be emailed to the employer prior to the initial workplace meeting. For New Track participants, gather information from the prospective employer to identify the job demands.

2. ‘Complete Rating Form’


The provider copies the job demands ratings from form 1 onto this complete form and then rates the client’s functional abilities relative to each demand. The BIRP clinicians can provide input into these ratings.  






Information for employers

  Employer toolkit