Traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one form of acquired brain injury (ABI). It occurs as the result of some external force being applied to the brain. People in the 14 to 24 age group are more likely than people of other ages to get a TBI. Men are more likely than women to get a TBI. Road traffic accidents are the most common cause of TBI. A second peak in incidence is after 75 years of age. The main cause for the elderly is falls.

About the site

This site supports learning for working with people with traumatic brain injury (TBI). The content on the site uses materials developed by a wide range of practitioners working in brain injury units in NSW, Australia. People with brain injuries and their family members have also generously shared their stories of living with brain injury in order to help people learn about working with people with TBI. The site is supported and funded by the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation. The site is managed by Paul Bullen.

Brain Injury Australia’s
9th National Brain Injury Conference

The Conference will be held at Adelaide Oval from the 24th to 26th September 2024 - supported by the Government of South Australia, The University of South Australia and Brain Injury SA.

For more information about the Conference, and to register, please visit:


Self study modules

Study at your own pace.  Modules take 1 to 3 hours.  Test your knowledge.
There are currently 12 Modules. Modules are being updated and new ones added during 2015.


An introuction to TBI

This module provides an overview of the nature of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and the impact it can have on a person’s life as well as on the lives of their family.




This module provides information about the range of communication problems that may result following a traumatic brain injury (TBI), as well as strategies for dealing with some of these deficits.



Promoting skills for independence

The module is for support workers who provide direct care and assistance to people who have had traumatic brain injury (TBI). It offers practical strategies that can help individuals with a TBI to increase their independence.



Understanding and managing cognitive changes following a TBI

This module provides information on how a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can cause changes in a person’s cognitive functioning and offers strategies that can help to compensate for their difficulties..



Understanding and managing behaviour changes following a TBI

This module explores the behavioural changes that occur following a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and offers a framework for effective behaviour management..



Working with Families after Traumatic injury: An Introduction

This module provides staff members with an introduction to working with families after traumatic injury based on a strengths based approach.


People with TBI

Gabby's Story

Gabby was hit by a car while riding a bike. Gabby and her mother talk about their epxeriences.

Andrew's story

Andrew and Worker
Andrew was hit by a car. He had an extensive stay in hospital. He needs 24 hour support in his own home.
Photo: Andrew (left) and worker.

Jonathon’s mother & father

Jonathon had a car accident. His parents reflect on the experience from their perspective.

Tool kits


Tools and tips for practical strategies on everything from working with memory problems to doing the laundry.
Read more


A resource for working with young people with TBI transitioning from children’s services to adult services.
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