13.D1 Resources



  1. Andrews, K. (1993). Clients in the persistent vegetative state: Problems in their long term management. British Medical Journal, 306(6892), 1600-1602.
  2. Badge, H. (2012). Developing and evaluating an assessment to measure the impact and outcome after acquired brain injury. (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). University of Sydney. Sydney.  Available: http://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/bitstream/2123/8690/1/Badge_H%20Masters%20Thesis%202012%20signed.02.10.2012.pdf.
  3. Barker, D.P., Day, R., & Salas, E. (2006). Teamwork as an essential component of high-reliability organisations. Health Services Research, 41(4), 1576-1598.
  4. Barns, M.D., & Ward, A.B., (2000). Textbook of Rehabilitation Medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  5. Bergquist, T.F. & Jacket, M.P. (1993). Awareness and goal setting with the traumatically brain injured. Brain Injury, 9(3), 275-282.
  6. Bergquist T.F., Micklewright, J.L., Yutsis, M., Smigielski, J.S., Gehl, C., & Brown, A.W. (2012).  Achievement of client centred goals by persons with acquired brain injury in comprehensive day treatment is associated with improved functional outcomes. Brain Injury, 26, 1307-1314.
  7. Boven’Eerdt. T.J., Botell, R.E., and Wade, D.T. (2009). Writing SMART rehabilitation goals and achieving goal attainment scaling: a practical guide. Clinical Rehabilitation, 23, 352-361.
  8. Brown, M., Dijkers, M., Gordon, W., Ashman, T., Charatz, H., & Cheng, Z. (2004). Participation Objective, Participation Subjective: A measure of participation combining outsider and insider perspectives. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 19(6), 459–481.
  9. Cole, C. (2001). Leading work teams in supervision; the theory and practice of first-line management. Frenchs Forest:Prentice Hall.
  10. Dalton, C., Farrell, R., de Sousa, A., Wujanto, E., McKenna-Slade, A., Thompson, S., Liu, C., and Greenwood, R. (2012). Client inclusion in goal setting during early inpatient rehabilitation after acquired brain injury. Clinical Rehabilitation, 26(2), 165-173.
  11. Deming, W.E. (1993). The New Economics for Industry, Government, and Education, Cambridge: MIT.
  12. Doig E., Fleming J., Cornwell P.L., & Kuipers P. (2010). Qualitative exploration of a client-centre, goal-directed approach to community-based occupational therapy for adults with traumatic brain injury. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 64, 559-568.
  13. Fuhrer, M.J. (1994). Subjective well-being: Implications for medical rehabilitation outcomes and models of disablement. American Journal of Physical Rehabilitation, 73(5), 358-364.
  14. HealthInsite. (2010). Rehabilitation for brain injuries. Retrieved from http://www.healthinsite.gov.au/topics/Rehabilitation_for_Brain_Injuries
  15. Hudon, C., St-Cyr Tribble, D., Bravo, G., & Poitras, ME. (2011). Enablement in health care context: a concept analysis. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 17(1), 143-9.
  16. Hudon, C., St-Cyr Tribble, D., Legare, F., Bravo, G., Fortin, M., &  Almirall, J.    (2010). Assessing enablement in clinical practice: a systematic review of available instruments. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 16(6), 1301-8.
  17. Johnston, M.V., Goverover, Y., & Dijkers, M. (2005). Community activities and individuals’ satisfaction with them: Quality of life in the first year after traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 86(4), 735–745.
  18. Kuipers, P., Foster M., Carlson G., et al. (2003). Classifying client goals in tertiary ABI rehabilitation: A taxonomy for profiling service delivery and conceptualizing outcomes, Disability and Rehabilitation, 25(3), 154-162.
  19. Levack, W.M.M., Dean, S.G., McPherson, K.M., & Siegert, R.J. (2006). How clinicians talk about the application of goal planning to rehabilitation for people with brain injury – variable interpretations of value and purpose. Brain Injury, 20(13-14) 1439-1449.
  20. Lewin, S.A., Skea, Z.C., Entwistle, V., Zwresnstein, M., & Dick, J. (2001). Interventions for providers to promote a client centred approach in clinical consultations. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 4: CD003267.
  21. Lifetime Care and Support Authority of NSW. (2012). LTCS Case Management Expectations.  Retrieved from http://www.lifetimecare.nsw.gov.au//Case_Management.aspx
  22. Locke, E.A. (1966). Toward a theory of task motivation and incentives. Organisational Behaviour and Human Performance, 3, 157-189.
  23. Malec, J.F. (1999). Goal attainment scaling in rehabilitation. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 9, 253-275.
  24. Melvin, J.L. (1980). Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary activities and the ACRM. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 61, 379-80.
  25. Mogensen, L. (2008). The development, content validity and interrater reliability of the SMART-Goal Evaluation Method: a new rating scale of evaluation clinical treatment goals, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 55, 149-159.
  26. Minnes, P., Carlson, P., McColl, M.A., Nolte, M.L., Johnston, J., & Buell, K. (2003). Community integration: A useful construct, but what does it really mean? Brain Injury, 17(2), 149-159.
  27. NSW Dept Human Services. (2013). The Better Practice Project Overview [PowerPoint slides].  Retrieved from http://www.adhc.nsw.gov.au/sp/delivering_hacc_services/the_better_practice_project    
  28. Nijhuis, B.J.G., Reinders-Messellink, A.R., de Blecourt, A.C.E., Boonstra, A.M., Calarme, E.M., Groothoff, J.W., Nakken, H., & Postema, K. (2008). Goal setting in Dutch paediatric rehabilitation. Are the needs and principle problems of children with cerebral palsy integrated into their rehabilitation goals? Clinical Rehabilitation, 22, 348-363.
  29. NSW Health. (2011). Rehabilitation Redesign Project.  Sydney: NSW Health.
  30. Playford, E.D., Siegert, R., Levack, W., & Freeman, J. (2009). Areas of consensus and controversy about goal setting in rehabilitation: a conference report. Clinical Rehabilitation, 23, 334-344.
  31. Pollock, N. (1993). Client centred assessment. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 47, 298-301.
  32. Powell, T., Partridge, T., Nicholls, T., Wright, L., Mould, H., Cook, C., Tatter, S. (1994).  An interdisciplinary approach to the rehabilitation of people with brain injury. British Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 1, 8-13.
  33. Renfrewshire Community Health Partnership.  (2009). Developing Community Rehabilitation & Enablement Services in Renfrewshire [Report]. Retrieved from  http://www.chps.org.uk/content/default.asp?page=s612
  34. Scobbie, L., Dixon, D., & Wyke, S. (2011). Goals setting and action planning in the rehabilitation setting: development of a theoretically informed practice framework’, Clinical Rehabilitation, 25, 468-482.
  35. Sivaraman Nair, K.P. (2003). Life goals: The concept and its relevance to rehabilitation. Clinical Rehabilitation, 17, 192-202.
  36. Shut, H.A., & Stam, H.J. (1994). Goals in rehabilitation team work.  Disability and Rehabilitation, 16, 223-226.
  37. Soberg, H.L., Finset, A., Roise, O., & Bautz-Holter, E. (2008). Identification and comparison of rehabilitation goals after injuries: an ICF analysis of the clients’ physiotherapists’ and other allied health professionals’ reported goals. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 40, 340-346.
  38. Oxford University Press. (2003). The Australian Modern Oxford Dictionary (2nd ed.).  Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
  39. The NSW Department of Family and Community Services (Ageing, Disability and Home Care). (2012). The Better Practice Project. Retrieved from http://www.adhc.nsw.gov.au/sp/delivering_hacc_services/the_better_practice_project
  40. Turner-Stokes, L. (2009). Goal attainment scaling (GAS) in rehabilitation: a practical guide. Clinical Rehabilitation,23, 362-370.
  41. Turner-Stokes, L., Williams, H., & Johnson, J. (2009). Goal attainment scaling: does it provide added value as a person-centred measure for evaluation of outcome in neurorehabilitation following acquired brain injury? Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 4, 528-535.
  42. Van den Broek, M.D. (2005). Why does neurorehabilitation fail? Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 20, 464-473.
  43. Wade, D.T. (1998). Evidence relating to goal planning in rehabilitation. Clinical Rehabilitation, 12, 273-275.
  44. Wade, D.T., & de Jong, B.A. (2000). Recent advances in rehabilitation. British Medical Journal, 320, 1385-1388.
  45. Wade, D.T. (2009). Goal setting in rehabilitation: an overview of what, why and how. Clinical Rehabilitation, 23, 291-295.
  46. Webb, P.M., & Glueckauf, R.L. (1994). The effects of direct involvement in goal setting on rehabilitation outcome for person with traumatic brain injuries, Rehabilitation Psychology, 39, 179-188.
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