9. Information for Children & Teens

Questions you may be asking

What happens when you have a knock to the head?

An acquired brain injury (ABI) refers to damage or injury to the brain that occurs after birth. There are various causes of ABI which generally fall into two main categories: traumatic and non-traumatic brain injury.

What is happening to me?
What is rehabilitation?
How long will it be before I am ‘normal’?
What sorts of things would you like help with?
Can a brain injury affect my relationships?
What about my social circle?
How can I explain my injury?
Returning to school?
Can I return to Sport and Physical Education after a brain injury?
What about:
  • Alcohol & Drugs
  • Sexuality
  • Driving
  • Looking after my mental health



Brain Injury Rehabilitation: Step by Step


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Douglas Dog    A child friendly workbook style resource explaining brain injury including sections on feelings, changes to family dynamics and rehabilitation.




Factsheets and Documents


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1. Heads Up on Brain Injury    Fact pack written for kids which covers recovery, mental health issues, fatigue, surviving school, sexuality, driving and relationships plus heaps more              
7. Study Skills    Strategies to help with study after brain injury written for teenagers.
Tips and tricks for young peole after brain injury    for young people following brain injury which covers many areas including "Health, Remembering, fighting, getting organised, getting help, dealing with emotions" plus lots more.
Teens coping with loss and change after brain injury     Recognition of loss post brain injury and support strategies for teenagers.

Step by Step


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Siblings and Acquired Brain Injury Peak body Synapse information for siblings of children with brain injury.


Practical Tools On-line


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Living with a Chronic Illness A great comic style video resource for kids saying how it really is to have a sibling with a chronic health issue.



A beautiful children's animation which tells the story of a young boy who suffers a "hit on the head" - explores the experiences and outcomes as he is restored to health, some years later.

Living with a Chronic Illness

A great comic style video resource for kids saying how it really is to have a sibling with a chronic health issue.