10. Information for clinicians

Key questions for clinicians

What's good evidence based practice? What is the evidence?
What tools, measures, forms, etc will be useful?
What professional development opportunities are there?
What professional supports are available?








Reports & Guidelines


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Paediatric Referral Process    This document offer guidelines for referral to NSW BIRPs, contact details and service specific criterion.
ACI Challenging Behaviours Paediatric Project    This report details a statewide project investigating the prevalence and burden of challenging behaviours assoicated  with brain injury in order to improve outcomes for patients and families/ caregivers.  A useful tool to understand the depth of these issues and ACI input in this area.

Tools, Measures & Forms


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Fatigue Scales - MWBIRP WORD Practical tools for working with children and teaching self regulation strategies.
"Big Deal/Little Deal"    Practical tools for working with children and teaching self regulation strategies.
Kindle QOL paeds Health related QOL tool for childrent and adolescents aged 3 and above

Online tools


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Talking Mats - communication support Talking mats are an excellent tool to use with clients of all levels of communication ability in the goal setting and plannning process. This site details resources and training for their use.
Transition Wheel  The transition wheel is a great tool for clinicians to  help young people assess where they are at in their lives, where they want to be and what areas they want to work on. 
Child Brain Injury Trust UK  Webinars This report details a statewide project investigating the prevalence and burden of challenging behaviours assoicated  with brain injury in order to improve outcomes for patients and families/ caregivers.  A useful tool to understand the depth of these issues and ACI input in this area.
PsycBITE PsycBITE is a database that catalogues studies of cognitive, behavioural and other treatments for psychological problems and issues occurring as a consequence of acquired brain impairment (ABI). These studies are rated for their methodological quality, evaluating various aspects of scientific rigour.
Speech bite Find Speech Pathology treatment evidence
iCare planning tools
iCare suite of planning tools for clinicians
Child Brain Injury Trust UK  Webinars This report details a statewide project investigating the prevalence and burden of challenging behaviours assoicated  with brain injury in order to improve outcomes for patients and families/ caregivers.  A useful tool to understand the depth of these issues and ACI input in this area.


Best Behavious video

Hemianopia explained and simulated using an eye-tracker

Visual problems following a brain injury or neurological condition

Professional Development


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Centre for Disabilities studies    Training event schedule on topics such as relationships and sexuality workshop
iCare Training
   NSW state insurance and care scheme to provide for long term care needs of people with severe injuries from the road or workplace. This link directs to online and in person training including goal setting, case management, PCANS, WiFIM
Centre for Community welfare training    The Centre for Community Welfare Training's calendar for available professional development online and in person events.