- 1. Intro to TBI
- 2. Communication
- 3. Skills for independence
- 4. Cognitive changes
- 5. Behaviour changes
- 6. Sexuality
- 7. Case management (BIR)
- 8. No longer available
- 9. Mobility & motor control
- 10. Mental health & TBI:
an introduction - 11. Mental health problems
and TBI: diagnosis
& management - 12. Working with Families
after Traumatic Injury:
An Introduction - 13. Goal setting
- 2.0 Aims
- 2.0A Take the PRE-Test
- 2.1 Communication
- 2.2 Sources of ommunication difficulties
- 2.3 Communication Problems
a) Dysphasia
b) Dysarthria
c) Dyspraxia
d) Non-verbal
AAC - 2.4 Cognitive problems
- 2.5 Social communication deficits
- 2.6 Tips for talking
- 2.7 Take home messages
- 2.8 Resources
- 2.9 Take the POST-Test
2.1 What is communication? Why communicate?
Communication is information shared through the exchange of both verbal and non-verbal messages in a purposeful way.
How do we communicate?
Most people think about talking when they think about communication.
BRAINSTORM a list of ways you communicate
Then click on the image below:
Why do we communicate?
BRAINSTORM a list of reasons you communicate
Then click on the image below: