5.8 Take home messages

  • Specific changes following TBI include changes in the areas of information processing, memory, cognition/thinking, personality/behaviour, and level of activity.
  • There are specific strategies that can be employed to deal with these changes.
  • It is important to be able to identify potential triggers of anger, as well as when a person is demonstrating ‘early warning signals’ that they are becoming angry.
  • Management strategies start with analysing the problem behaviour, using the checklist
  • There are behaviour management techniques and concepts that can be useful in managing behaviour changes following a TBI.
  • To better understand how to manage anger is is useful to understand the principles of anger that include:
  • - a scale of anger - for example calm (no anger) to aggressive. - a model of anger showing triggers and responses - recognition that anger can be a secondary feeling

  • Managing an escalating situation involves maintaining self control, a safe distance, and a non-confrontational body stance, analysing the situation, deciding on an intervention, and reviewing the intervention.
