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NSW Brain Injury Rehabilitation Forum May 2011
Think Ahead Program: transition for young people
with acquired brain injury
SIAN ROUTLEV, Sydney Children's Hospital, BIRP
Title: Think ahead program - a transition program for young people with acquired brain injury
Author: Clare Walker, Erin Cleary, Marion Fisher, Miriam Poole, Naomi Brookes, & Sian Routley, Sydney Children's Hospital Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program
The Think Ahead Program (TAP), coordinated by SCH BIRP, was a four day pilot residential program for young people (16-19) who have had a brain injury. The program was designed based on feedback from children surveyed following Camp GO Ahead, a camp for children aged 10-16 who have had a brain injury. This feedback correlated closely with components of the Next Step Transition Wheel initially developed by North Coast Head Injury Service. The purpose of the program was to provide young people with learning experiences related to these components of transition.
In order to measure change young people and parents separately rated and ranked the components of the Next Step Transition Wheel in order of importance to them before and after the program. The TAP aimed to directly and indirectly address transition through educational workshops and activities. Each session was individually evaluated for satisfaction and relevance and the whole program rated for its credibility to young people who have had a brain injury.
The TAP was funded by donations to SCH Foundation which were specifically designated to programs for young adults who had a brain injury in childhood. Additional funding was provided through requests in rehabilitation plans for specific individuals through CTP insurance and L TCSA